On September, 29th of 1983, focused on the manufacture of plastic materials destined to the leather and footwear sector, was born Müllplast. An initiative of brothers João Francisco e Jorge Müller, who soon began to produce industrial parts.
Few times later, the company would be developing products to the automotive department. Invested in machines and labor and specialized in injection of technical parts in engineering plastics and under the hands of João Francisco Müller became one of the largest Brazilian manufacturers of bushings for the truck brakes.
More than three decades of experience in development of injected parts in engineering plastic, using latest technology and raw material quality. This is Müllplast Plastic Industry.
Based on a careful and dedicated work, Müllplast serves major companies in the automotive department, machines and equipments, among others, offering precision measurements and technical specifications that the market demands.
Ahead Müllplast is the experienced entrepreneur João Francisco Müller, wich builds up in your resume the performance in class entities. Müller was president of the Câmara da Indústria, Comércio e Serviços of Caxias do Sul (CIC), in the management 2005-2007, president of the Sindicato das Indústrias de Material Plástico do Nordeste Gaúcho (Simplás), from 1995 to 2004, and vice president of the Associação Brasileira da Indústria do Plástico (Abiplast), manager of the Federação das Indústrias do Estado do Rio Grande do Sul (Fiergs) and counselor of the Instituto Gaúcho de Estudos Automotivos (Igea), SENAI and SESI. He also served as counselor of the Universidade de Caxias do Sul, between 2005-2007.